2025 CSA on sale now!

Vol.1 No.7: 2021 CSA Week 3

Posted by Liana Glass on

City Beet Reporting Vol.1 No.7

CSA Week 3 and market tomorrow, and online orders are back! 

Hello City Beetniks,

CSA pickup number 3 is tomorrow! We'll also have additional veggies for sale at our market table, and online orders are back!
All of the above happening outside the Federal Store at 10th and Quebec from 4:00 to 6:30 pm. 

Please bring your own bags to take your produce home in. Thank you for maintaining physical distancing, wearing masks, and being patient while we have only one or two groups under the market tent at a time. Let's keep up the great work! 

Not a share member?

We'll have lots of veggies for sale at our market table (the eastern portion of our setup, closest to the Federal Store entrance), and new this week, we have online orders! We've got garlic scapes, turnips, lettuce, beets, and more up on our website. The items will be available online until 9:00 am tomorrow. If you place an order, it'll be ready for pickup from behind the market table as well. Haley will most likely be the person stationed there, so come on up and tell her whose name the order is under! 

What's in the CSA this week?

  • Beets!
  • Radishes or turnips
  • Salad mix (arugula, mustard, mizuna)
  • Spinach
  • Kale or Swiss chard
  • Strawberries
A few of these are subject to how today's harvest goes, but this should be a pretty solid projection!  

In other farm news...

  • It was so much fun to add strawberries to the CSA as a surprise last week! We really weren't sure how many we'd have, but then it was juuuust enough for the CSA. A healthy few of you didn't come get your shares, though, which meant more strawberries for me! 
  • Sister Emily (pictured above) came to help harvest strawberries yesterday, and it's her birthday today. Everyone say, 'Happy Birthday, Emily!'
  • Maddy also came out to help yesterday! It was our first time taking the trailer to Southlands, so she was a huge help coaching me through getting it into position, and then with the harvest overall. On the way back, I got the trailer perfectly into its usual parking spot!!! Backing that thing up is very un-intuitive, so I was really proud of myself (which is why I am including the above photo of said parking job). 
  • The peas are taller than we are! Well, some of them. And getting heavy-- some of the trellis needs a repair job, in fact. We're hoping some of them will be ready to harvest later this week. 
  • We finished trellising the tomatoes last week, and we pruned them all. The cherry tomatoes especially are looking really robust, and lots of the plants have flowers on them now. We'll keep suckering them as they grow, and guide them up their twines as needed. Still a while yet before we have tomatoes for you, but so far so good.
  • We've still got a few flower subscriptions on our website in case you're looking for a belated fathers' day present! Happy day to all the dads and dad-figures among you.
See you tomorrow!

Liana and Duncan

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