2025 CSA on sale now!

Vol.1 No.5: 2021 CSA Week 1

Posted by Liana Glass on

City Beet Reporting Vol.1 No.5

First CSA Pickup Tomorrow, June 8th!

Hello City Beetniks,

We hope you're doing well. The first veggie CSA pickup is tomorrow, Tuesday June 8th. Pickup will be outside the Federal Store at 10th and Quebec from 4:00 to 6:30 pm. 

We'll be packing your share straight into your own bags, so please also bring a bag with you to carry your veggies home in. We also want to make sure everyone stays safe, so we'll be physical distancing and mask-wearing while at pickup. 


Not a share member?

This week is a CSA pickup only, but we're hoping to start selling additional produce alongside the CSA pickups in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for an announcement when that's ready to go! 

What's in the first share of the season?

  • Head lettuce
  • Hakurei turnips
  • Beet Greens
  • Green onions
  • Kale (green, red, or dinosaur) 
  • Choice of herb (sorrel, mint, oregano, or chives)
Looking for recipe ideas? Duncan likes beet green fritters (like these ones), which he learned to make from the urban farm family at Backyard Harvest in Hamilton Ontario, where he used to work. Any good-for-cooking greens (kale, perhaps?!) can work in them too, and maybe something warm and fried will help keep you cozy through this Junuary cold spell we're having. 

In other farm news...

  • Our tomatoes seem to be quite happy (fingers crossed) despite the rain! The ones under the tunnel are happier (a word which here means bigger) than the ones without a tunnel. It's interesting how quickly the difference has become apparent. Maybe next year we'll expand our hoop capacity. We'll be trellising the tomatoes later this week. 
  • Lots of other transplants are also looking pretty happy, including our flowers (like the amaranth pictured bottom-left above)! More recently direct-seeded veggies like lettuce mix, beets, and radishes have also been coming up quite nicely, all to make it to you in the coming weeks. 
  • Our peas are also getting quite big and starting to flower. At least they're enjoying the cooler weather. Their trellis could also use a few more stakes, which we'll hopefully get to this week as well. 
  • We fiiiiinally got enough of our new yard turned over to install drip irrigation and plant out our zucchinis. 
  • Strawberries are starting to get ripe. We don't have enough to sell yet, but hopefully they'll make an appearance in the CSA soon. 
  • New team members are doing great! It's been pretty awesome to have more hands around here this past week, and we're really looking forward to all we'll be able to get done going forward. 
See you tomorrow!

Liana and Duncan 

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