2025 CSA on sale now!

Vol.1 No.10: 2021 CSA Week 6

Posted by Liana Glass on

City Beet Reporting Vol.1 No.10

Veggies Week 6, Flower Subscriptions Week 1 (for some)!

Hello City Beetniks,

Here's your weekly reminder to pick up your veggies tomorrow if you're a CSA member, or to come visit us and buy some veggies from our market table if not! We'll be outside the Federal Store at 10th and Quebec from 4:00 to 6:30 pm. 

Exciting news this week is that we're kicking off our flower share! Weekly bouquet members and half the bi-weekly subscribers will get their first bouquets next week, but some of you are starting this week. Emails have gone out to everyone with a flower subscription with your pickup dates, so if you bought a flower share and didn't get an email about it from me on Saturday, please get in touch and we'll sort things out.     

We'll still be wearing masks at pickup, and we hope you'll join us in maintaining physical distancing and being careful to keep our community safe and healthy! 

The CSA this week includes:

  • Kale or Swiss Chard
  • Choice of herb
  • Lettuce Mix
  • Head Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Candy Cane and Golden Beets
  • Zucchini or Kohlrabi! 
  • Fresh Garlic!
Have a glut of beets languishing at the bottom of your fridge? Could be a good opportunity to try your hand at pickling them, or if you want to use them up right away but don't want hot food in this weather you could make a cold borscht. If anyone tries this, please report back. I admit I prefer my borscht hot, but I'd love to hear what your beets get up to! 

Not a CSA member?

We're not offering anything for online order this week, but check back next week! We'll definitely have lots of things for sale at our market table tomorrow, though.

In other farm news...

  • I finally got going on the gourd trellis this past weekend and it's looking pretty good! It was definitely overdue, so some of the vines were already really long and a bit unwieldy, but they're already starting to recover and seem to be taking to it okay. I was also listening to a really good audiobook while I worked on it, so that was pretty much an ideal couple of hours for me. The book was The Binding by Bridget Collins-- if any of you likes whimsical speculative fiction/ fantasy I would recommend it. I would also recommend building a gourd trellis, but that might be less feasible in some cases. 
  • The peas, unfortunately, really didn't like the heat, so they're done. Ah well, they were good while they lasted. We'll have a few for sale at market tomorrow, but there weren't enough to even make for a good CSA option! Clearing them off did make space for a second planting of cucumbers, though. We were also able to carry one row of trellis down the block to add to the gourds.
  • Watching the flowers explode to life in the last few weeks has been really delightful! We're excited to start sharing them with you more and more, and, as noted above, if you're a flower subscription member and didn't see my email over the weekend, please let me know! 
See you tomorrow, 

Liana and Duncan 

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